Category: Helicopters

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Junior Aviators – Term Break Madness

Only a few weeks to go before the first term break – do you hear the collective moan of parents everywhere wondering how to keep the kids happy over the holidays?
We do and we feel your pain, so much so, we have the perfect solution for at least one of your many days to fill.
Our Junior Aviator Program is sure to thrill your kids and will keep them on a high for days afterwards.

Once your kids have outgrown playdates at the park or the pool, holidays can be challenging (to put it mildly). Art classes and sporty day camps are bountiful; but also ultimately all the same.
So, if you are looking for something completely different, checking out Pterodactyl Helicopters’ program for junior aviators is a must indeed.
Our Junior Aviator Program is targeted at kids aged 10 to 15 and offers them the chance to really experience all aspects of the helicopter charter business.

Pterodactyl Helicopters takes the youngsters off your hands for a full day of high-flying fun (sensibly priced at $275) – all you need to do is drop them off at our Lake Manchester hangar at 7.30 am and return to collect them around 4.30 pm (pick up times will vary depending on the day’s activities). Lunch and beverages will be supplied (as will team T-shirts and caps), so our junior crew won’t be weighed down with the usual luggage required for a day away.

Our Junior Aviator Program is a crash course in all the aspects of our business.
Our junior crew start the day by getting their hands dirty with ground crew duties:  from the daily routine maintenance on the aircraft to moving our helicopter from the hangar to the helipad. Paperwork, such as checking out the weather and the notices to airmen, planning the routes for the flights booked on any given day, is also part of the experience.
Once our young assistants have had a full safety brief and have assisted our real-life ground crew to load up our utes, it is time for the first flight of the day – from our home base to our base of operations for the day (which varies depending on our bookings).

Back on the ground, Pterodactyl Helicopters will keep the kids busy helping handle our passengers, filling in all paperwork required and making sure operations run smoothly – and, best of all, whenever there is a spare seat on the chopper, a Junior Aviator can come along for the joy flight.

At the end of the day, our Junior Aviators are flown back to Lake Manchester, where they will assist in putting the helicopter ‘to sleep’ for the night and getting everything ready for the next day.
Pterodactyl Helicopters’ experienced ground crew and airmen solemnly swear to show your kids an excellent time while they’re in our care – but be warned, once a junior aviator, always a junior aviator; our program has proven to be a seriously addictive experience.
This holiday, prove yourself the coolest parent alive and contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today to book your kids in for the best day of all time.


Rev It Up with Pterodactyl Helicopters

Are you craving adventure but don’t quite know where to start? Don’t feel bad, it’s a common condition – and, lucky for you, Pterodactyl Helicopters has the perfect cure for that particular ailment.
If you feel like you could do with some high-powered fun to shake out the cobwebs, so to speak, you might want to check out our Adrenalin Experiences aka the ultimate thrill seekers’ treat.

Let’s play that game, you know the one: Would you rather…fly in a helicopter or ride shotgun in a V8 racer?
Tough call, we know, which is why Pterodactyl Helicopters has decided that – just this once – it’s totally okay to cheat. So don’t choose, there is no need; you can have both in one neat package.
We proudly present to you: the Helicopter V8 Experience.
This action-packed day out includes a thrilling helicopter ride from our Lake Manchester hangar straight to one of Queensland’s finest race tracks, where we will suit you up, strap you in and send you out on the laps of a lifetime with our tame racing driver (no, not the Stig…but close).
This is the perfect outing for anyone with the need for speed – and the absolutely best gift ever if you have a lovely rev-head friend, you can even go along for the helicopter ride with them and watch the look on their faces first hand when they emerge from the V8. Priceless stuff, indeed.

On the off chance that flying high and racing hard is not quite enough adventure for one day, allow us to up the ante.
Instead of the ‘plain old’ Helicopter V8 Experience, try this one on for size: the Helicopter V8 Warbird Experience.
Now, the part about helicoptering to the race track and taking a few outrageous laps remains the same (because why should one change such a winning formula) BUT this package comes with the added bonus of simulated aerial combat.
Yes, you read correctly.
You and a mate each get your own YAK 52 (and a pilot obviously) and set off on a truly insane aviation experience as you reenact some of the most iconic airborne battle moves, pioneered and made famous by the high-flying skirmishes between  the American Kittyhawk and Japan’s Zero fighter planes. We are talking dives, vertical climbs, chases and even some smoke thrown in when a hit is scored.
In short, you get to be part of a dogfight in the air that’s at times spookily realistic – and terminally thrilling at all times.

If you want to get your heart-rate up this autumn, contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today and book yourself and a friend in for the best day ever – we look forward to terrifying you soon.

Gourmet Picnic Extravaganza

If you go into the woods today…
We all know the song, don’t we? It’s a classic, just like the age-old tradition of picnicking itself.
Now, as the weather is growing milder and we don’t have to worry about burning to a crisp every time we leave the house, the picnic season is very much open.
At Pterodactyl Helicopters we simply adore picnics, nearly as much as we love aviation – so we have decided to combine the two and create a package that guarantees romance, solitude and private air travel.

If you are looking to impress a special someone with a day out they won’t forget in a hurry, our Gourmet Picnic Tours are the perfect solution.
Pterodactyl Helicopters has scouted the most beautiful picnic locations South East Queensland has to offer and has put together a shortlist of the best spots to relax in perfect peace and solitude.
Our current favourites are Spicers Hidden Vale and the Woodlands of Marburg – but if you have difficulty choosing, you can sign up for a picnic at our mystery riverside location.
No matter which destination you go for, we guarantee that you have never picnicked quite like this before.

Firstly, we understand that while picnics are fun, preparing them is not. Especially since every time we unpack a picnic basket at least one essential thing is missing. Right? We all do it, not need to be embarrassed.
When you picnic with Pterodactyl Helicopters, preparation is not your problem.
Our Gourmet Picnics include a hamper of culinary delights – yes, there is wine – and all the non-food bits and bobs you need for a nice outdoor meal.
All that’s left for you to do is walk out the door – literally, because if you have adequate landing space, we can simply collect you and your date from home. By helicopter.
How cool is that?

Secondly, driving for hours to get to a picnic spot that is bound to be filled with noisy children and other people’s litter is not exactly romantic.
However, there are not many things more romantic that being flown via the scenic route to a location too secluded to be comfortably reached by car.
Not only do you get to admire the scenery from up close and in perfect peace; you also get to admire it from up above on your way.
At Pterodactyl Helicopters we pride ourselves on our local expertise, meaning we will make sure that you don’t miss out on any natural beauty worth seeing on your way to the picnic.

So, if you are keen to get out and about, see something new with someone special and have a picnic in true superstar style – contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today and book your Gourmet Picnic.
We look forward to flying with you and introducing you to our top spots soon!

Cheap Flights to Brisbane with Webjet – Come see us!

Having our home base in Brisbane aka BrisVegas aka Brisneyland, means Pterodactyl Helicopters is in the perfect position to help you explore all the glorious highlights South East Queensland has to offer. And you know who is in the perfect position to help you from your nearest airport to Brisbane?
That’s right, Webjet!

Good news everyone:
If Brisbane has always been on your to-do list of major Australian cities to explore, there is no need to put your visit off any further.
In fact – outstanding weather, lush hinterland, friendly faces and beautiful islands dotting its coastline aside – there has never been a better reason to visit Brisbane than the outrageously low airfares currently on offer at Webjet.

Currently Webjet are offering flights to Brisbane departing from no less than twelve Australian domestic airports – including Mackay, Townsville, Rockhampton and Darwin – some of them for as little as $40.
Admittedly, that is the extra-unbelievably-outrageous-mega special airfare; but Webjet offer a veritable ton of flights to Brisbane for under $100.
Now, considering that Pterodactyl Helicopters can collect you from the airport directly, that makes for pretty economic travel indeed.

When you set off on your journey to experience the ultimate thrill of private helicopter travel courtesy of Pterodactyl Helicopters – whether you are out for a romantic weekend, a spot of recreation or a wild adrenalin-fuelled bonanza – you might as well optimise all air travel involved.
Webjet are offering cheap flights to Brisbane with Tigerair, Jetstar and Virgin Australia; catering to all major cities’ domestic airports as well as more remote locations – so no matter where you call home, once you make up your mind, you’ll be on your way in a jiffy.

There is no need to go international in order to satisfy your inner jet setter – sometimes the best things are right in front of you.
South East Queensland’s panoramas of its ever-changing landscape hold their own next to the natural wonders of the world; Brisbane’s newfound cosmopolitan flair combined with its subtle laid back charms will provide all the highlights of any big city holiday, without any of the big smoke stresses and pretentions.
And all your helicopter sightseeing, transfer or adventuring needs will, naturally, be taken care of by Pterodactyl Helicopters.

Clearly, there are no excuses to stay home – so come and catch the end of subtropical summer and visit Brisbane (and good old us!) courtesy of Webjet.
See you soon!



Brisbane helicopter flights, brisbane helicopter tours, brisbane helicopter charter, brisbane helicopter scenics

Picture Perfect

It is common knowledge that Pterodactyl Helicopters is your one-stop-shop for airbourne adventure, high flying romance and unforgettable memories; but did you know that our services can be just as practical as they are extravagant?
Besides offering outstanding helicopter charter services for your pleasure, Pterodactyl Helicopters is also the best address to hire a chopper for any aerial photography or filming projects you might have in the pipeline.
If you are looking for the perfect shot from up above, Pterodactyl Helicopters are committed to setting you up just right.

Whether you are looking to take outstanding aerial photographs for real estate purposes, require footage for a film (long, short or in between), or simply feel the artistic need to capture a corner of the world from above; our pilots and aircraft are at your service.

Over the years, Pterodactyl Helicopters have collaborated with some of South East Queensland’s biggest real estate agencies, so we understand how important it is to show a property’s best features.
Luckily, we also know all the tricks of the trade to get you into position to make this happen.
When you hire Pterodactyl Helicopters for your aerial photoshoot, you don’t just hire a helicopter and a pilot – you hire a dedicated team that thinks of your success as their success and will work tirelessly to make sure you get your work done.

Considering one of Australia’s hotshot movie locations, the Gold Coast, is practically down the road, it is no surprise that Pterodactyl Helicopters have some serious chops when it comes to aerial filming.
We may not be able to write a script for you, but we certainly understand how factors like sun direction, speed, altitude and positioning influence the outcome of aerial photography, be it still or in motion.
Our experienced pilots have exceptional skills that will make any aerial film work much easier; from hovering in place for long stretches of time, flying backwards, rotating on the spot, flying low…there is no limit to our abilities (aside from flying upside down, that’s a no go).

All our aircraft are designed to have their doors removed to make sure nothing obstructs the shot, not even the glare of sunlight on the lens or the window.
Because they are small and agile, our aircraft can be moved very close to any landmark and/or other object you may want to shoot – under the right conditions our pilots can get as close as 15 metres to nearly anything.

If you are working on a project designed to inspire, educate or simply entertain, you will find that your creative ambition and Pterodactyl Helicopters’ professionalism and skill are a match made in heaven.
Contact us today and get ready to take to the sky and create something beautiful – we can’t wait to help you realise your vision.

Levuka joy flight by helicopter

Helicopter River Runs – How low can we go?

Pterodactyl Helicopters is infamous for their broad range of Adrenalin Adventures; offers range from re-enacting historical aerial combat, pairing helicopter joy rides with laps in V8s and often we have a skydive thrown in.
As hard as this may be to believe, we have come up with something new that is guaranteed to raise your hair and put some butterflies in your stomach.
Brace yourselves….ready…Low Flying River Run!

Just in case you can’t quite picture what exactly this entails – and consequentially may not get why we are so excited about it – let us explain using the ancient art of visualization:

You know how many an action film features at the very least one scene in which a helicopter comes charging along very, very, very, VERY close to the ground? Often above highways or mountain paths? Yes?
Can you picture it, tilted every so slightly forward in case it needs to make a quick ascent?
Can you see the pilot, his face set in stony concentration?
Very good.
Instead of the road, picture a river – twisting and turning – and a helicopter zooming along so closely above it is practically skimming on the water’s surface.
Can you see the spray caused by the sheer force of the rotor blades?
Can you see YOURSELF and your favourite sidekick inside the helicopter, minds exploding with sensory overload and the sheer impact of awesome?

River runs are pretty much the ultimate experience when it comes to low helicopter flights and as we have the Brisbane River right at our doorstep, it seems an awful shame not to make use of it as the Gods of Helicoptering intended.

Pterodactyl Helicopters’ River Runs take off from our Kholo base, right by Lake Manchester; meaning that you get a good luck at D’Aguilar National Park as you leave, which is a nice bit of serene natural beauty before the adrenalin rush is on.

Following the river as low as we can go, means there will be some rapid turns as we go along the river bends. This calls for experienced pilots and agile equipment; in fact the weight limits for this sort of aerial adventuring are so stringent that we can’t take more than two passengers at a time, even though our R44 technically fits three.

When you book a Low Flying River Run you get to choose between two routes (alternatively, do not choose and do both); the Fernvale Run takes around 25 minutes and is a good option if you just wish to test the waters, the Wivenhoe Run is very close to an hour long.

Let us be very clear: Neither of the routes is for the faint-hearted. This is a seriously intense helicopter experience that will leave you breathless and gasping for more.

If you feel like you could do with a little more outrageous adventure in your life, contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today and make arrangements to be scared out of your pants!
Thrilled – sorry – we meant to say thrilled.
Come along for the ride…if you dare.

golf by helicopter, brisbane, scenic, helicopter, helitour, brisbane helicopter, sunset, nature, gift, adventure, adrenalin, brisbane flights, heli golf tour, helicopter tours

Hit the Green – Big Time!

Do you have a glorious summer’s day to spare and the urge to get some serious golfing done? Pterodactyl Helicopters has some amazing flying golf tour packages that are basically the stuff of dreams for any golfing enthusiast with a taste for high-flying adventure.

Our Flying Golf Tours are so packed with essence of awesome it’s hard to know where to begin.
For starters, of course, there is the tremendous perk of easy access to golf courses that are just a little too far away to warrant a road trip just for the sake of hitting the green.
Yes, you might be reluctant to spend a couple of hours in the car to get to some of the fanciest gold courses in the greater Brisbane and Gold Coast area – but when you get to travel in a chartered helicopter, getting there is half the fun (or possibly three-quarters of the fun).

Our current favourites when it comes to golfing greens include Link Hope Island Resort, Sanctuary Cove Resort, RACV Royal Pines and Palm Meadows Resort – all of which offer unique, top-of-the-range golfing experiences – however, if you have a personal favourite, Pterodactyl Helicopters are happy to fly you to any golf course of your choice, whether it’s on our list or not.
After all, even our seasoned pilots can benefit from a change of routine and will gladly work out the best route to your dream golfing destination.

Our Flying Golf Tours include transfer to and from your chosen course to one of Pterodactyl Helicopters’ helipads – we’ve got quite a few, so there is bound to be one close to home -, a leisurely flight taking the scenic route to your destination, the green fees for 18 holes and golf club hire fees; so all your basic golfing needs will be taken care off within the basic package.

However, if you feel like sprucing this already quite spectacular outing up even more, Pterodactyl Helicopters offers a few optional extras that might make the day simply perfect for you.
On request, we’ll be happy to organize lunch and drinks at your chosen golf course, include a golf cart hire for two or – perhaps the most popular optional extra – throw in a full scenic fly tour over the Gold Coast or Springbrook National Park.

Regardless of which golf course you choose or whether you elect any optional extras or not, the flying golf tour is sure to be a day out you never forget. Cruising to the green in the air conditioned comfort of your private chopper is an experience that can’t be beat; not to mention that you will have a complete birds’ eye view of the course you are about to play, which can only be an advantage, especially when you’ve never played the course before.

If you are keen to hit the green and desire a little glamour, contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today to book in for a day out beyond your wildest golfing dreams.

Up the Ante on your next Pub Crawl

Now that most of us have recovered from the celebratory marathon that is the festive season, the time is right to start planning the next epic adventure.
Australia Day is just around the corner, so we thought we put our focus this week on a solid Aussie tradition: the humble pub crawl.
Of course, when you let Pterodactyl Helicopters take the helm for your day out, there will be nothing humble about your pub crawl…actually, there won’t be any crawling either.
Far from it.

If you and your mates feel as though you really should hit some ace venues sometime soon, but are hard pressed to come up with a route you’ve not done to death already, our flying pub tours are the very thing you’re looking for.
Everything about this package just screams excellence.

For a start, Pterodactyl Helicopters will plan the entire outing for you; all you need to do is nominate the day.
We have a long, long, looooong list of participating old school pubs and boutique breweries (including Sundowner Saloon, Pumpyard Bar and Brewery, Porters Plainland Tavern and many more) and will select five of our favourite venues for you to enjoy.

The flying pub tour starts at 9.30 am and you won’t be back until around 4.30 pm, so it’s a solid day of indulgence.
The package includes helicopter transfer from each venue to the next, a beer (or other beverage) at each pub and a much needed lunch at the half-way mark. Sure, this may not seem like a lot to drink BUT you have to consider that in between you will be doing some serious flying and our responsible pilots must insist on air-safety and…how to say it politely…air sickness prevention.
And besides, the rides from one location to the next are guaranteed to be more intoxicating than even the strongest brew.

We usually cater for 2-6 passengers, so none of your mates are going to miss out; and, if one of you happens to have a rather spacious backyard, there is no need for you to travel all the way to our hangar – we will pick you up at home.
It doesn’t get any more rock’n’roll than that, if you think about it.

At Pterodactyl Helicopters we understand that there is usually one person for whom a pub crawl is nothing short of an ordinary experience; we are referring, of course, to the designated driver.
A champion, no doubt, but not the most enthusiastic participant.
When you book a pub crawl by chopper, there is no designated driver and all involved can simply relax in the knowledge that they will be returned home at the end of the day in safety and style.

Feel like making the first pub crawl of the year an adventure to go down in the history books? Contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today and book yourself in for a day of cold drinks, tasty food, great company and the wild whirring of rotor blades.

Good times ahead, indeed.

My Flying Valentine

True, there is a whole month to go until it’s time to break out the roses; but being prepared never hurt anyone – especially when it comes to making a big romantic gesture.
If you plan on making this Valentine’s Day a legendary success but are not quite sure how to go about it, consider some of these romantic outings – proudly brought to you by Pterodactyl Helicopters.

Gourmet Picnics
The humble picnic has long been a staple component of the wooing process, which is really not at all surprising.
There is something magical about spending time in nature with that special someone, enjoying tasty treats and one another’s company without distraction. However, the world is hectic and there are less and less truly private picnic locations to be found.
Cue Pterodactyl Helicopters’ Gourmet Picnic package.
We will not only fly you to a glorious picnic location (our current hot favourites are Woodlands of Marburg and Spicer’s Hidden Vale…unless you would like to sign up for our mystery riverside location and add an element of surprise), we will also provide you with a picnic hamper and a bottle of wine – so all you have to do is show up and be thrilled.
If you really want to make an impression, we can even collect you and your date from home – yes, in your private helicopter – provided there is suitable landing space.

Fly In/Drive Out Country Escapes
If you have a little time on your hands and feel like a mini-break is long overdue for you and your special someone, this charming package is definitely worth considering.
Pterodactyl Helicopter’s Country Escap
es give you a chance to explore the great South-East at your leisure and with ultimate convenience.
Naturally, we will fly you in your chartered chopper to a scenic destination of your choice – our most popular night-away spots include Scenic Rim View Cottages, Stockton Rise Country Retreat, Bunyip Cottages, Branell Homestead and many more – making sure to take the long way so you get to enjoy the spectacular natural beauty our region has to offer.
However, we understand that once you have arrived, you may need your own transport to go exploring; so we will make sure your car gets there when you do.
There are two options available: Either one of Pterodactyl Helicopters’ dedicated staff will drive your car to your holiday destination for you (no extra charge, of course) OR you can get a friend to deliver the vehicle and we will fly him back home (making you the coolest friend of all time).
Our Country Escapes package also includes a three course gourmet dinner and a full breakfast, overnight accommodation and a complementary welcome treat of cheese and sparkling wine.

If you would like to go beyond the charming but ultimately pedestrian fare of chocolate and flowers this Valentine’s Day, contact Pterodactyl Helicopters today and get your romantic ducks in a row – we guarantee you love will be in the air, literally.