Helicopter Pub Crawl (5x Pubs)
Helicopter Pub Crawl (5x Pubs)
Do you have a glorious summer’s day to spare and the urge to get some serious golfing done? Pterodactyl Helicopters has some amazing flying golf
Want to see the iconic Gold Coast while you’re here in Brisbane, this is the flight for you. First, we head south to Mt Tamborine
Because of Santa’s very busy schedule this time of year and the need to keep his reindeer rested for the big day, he had to
The Great Southeast of Queensland is a magical place – how lucky are we to live surrounded by such natural beauty (and some funky man-made
Pub Crawls Who doesn’t love a good country pub? Once the sacred preserve of the sun-scorched, working-class man, today’s pub must appeal to a much
First of all, an important message from the Pterodactyl Team: Happy 2019! We hope you made it through the holidays unscathed and are ready to