Quandamooka – Helicopter Tour from Archerfield or Kholo

Quandamooka – Helicopter Tour from Archerfield or Kholo

Start the day getting into your own private helicopter flying over the Quandamooka Coast experiencing the majesty of Minjerribah and Moorgumpin, a view that only the birds normally get to see.

Arrive on Minjerribah and take part in a Traditional Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to country whilst listening to the ancient sounds of the didgeridoo. Experience local Aboriginal culture through food and stories from Quandamooka Traditional Owners. Enjoy lunch prepared by specialist Quandamooka chefs, featuring fresh seasonal seafood and native bush tucker. After lunch head back to the helicopter and take in the view on the way home with a fresh perspective thanks to the hospitality and unique cultural insight from the local Quandamooka people.

Choose from 3 Options  

  1. Minjerribah Aboriginal Culture Walk

The tour includes a guided walk around the sacred shoreline of the bay, hearing creation stories, identifying bush tucker plants and learning about medicinal bush plants, trees, ochre and finishing the walk at the ancient midden site located on the northern foreshores of Goompi (Dunwich).

  1. Mooloomba Cultural Gorge Walk 

Our guided gorge walk takes place at Mooloomba (Point Lookout), a sacred Aboriginal landmark which tells the ancient stories of how the Aboriginal People have survived and thrived on Minjerribah for at least 25,000 years. Led by your Quandamooka guide, the sacred, untold stories will come alive. This tour features a walk around the clifftop of one of the country’s most easterly rocky headlands. See buwangan (dolphin), mibaral (turtle) and yalingbilla (whale) along the walk. Learn about the relationship the local tribes have with these majestic animals. Understand how the geographical features around you came to be through traditional stories about the creation of Quandamooka Country.

  1. Bummiera (Brown Lake) Cultural Experience

Experience a Traditional Welcome to Country plus Dreamtime stories whilst enjoying Native inspired meal surrounded by the beautiful scenery of our mother lake.

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Want to bring a buzz of excitement to your next public event? We can come to you! Pterodactyl Helicopters have been conducting joyflight days in

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